Khushant Khurana
• Mechanical Design & Fabrication
• Introduction
Past internships
• Aviation Systems Engineer Intern @ Garmin
• Controls Intern @ Oshkosh Corporation
Past research
• Graduate Student Researcher @ Dynamics & Control Lab
• Guidance Navigation & Control
• Dynamics & Control
• Simulation & Analysis
• Mechanical Design & Fabrication
Mechanical Design And Fabrication Projects
Base Excitation Rig - Demonstration of Vibration Isolation
As the end project of ME-360, Experimentation, each team was tasked to design and fabricate an apparatus exhibiting a scientific principle. Along with 2 mechanical engineering…
CASPER: Cooper Automated Subterranean Probing & Excavating Robot
As a final project for ME-494 (Bio - Inspired Robotics), I along with a team of other 2 students designed and fabricated a self-burrowing robot called CASPER - Cooper Automated…
JARVIS - Four Wheeled SumoBot
Sumo-bots are high power and wheeled robots designed for competing in the robot-sumo contest at the Cooper Union’s end of the year show. The goal of the competition is to push…
Manufacturing parts for FSAE Team
As part of the Motorsports Team, I spent a lot of time in the…
RIFSK - Refugee in Flight Shelter Kit Frame
RISFK - Refugee in Flight Shelter Kit was one of the 6 projects offered in EID-101 class, Engineering Design and Problem Solving. As conflict and adverse environmental changes…
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